Xasa SimplyBEE NEW INVESTEE & SUPPLIER SOURCING Manage the end-to-end process of sourcing a new supplier or investee company, including applications submission and review, simulated digital pitches, due diligence processes etc. Enhanced transparency, cost efficiency and operational efficiency in the sourcing process, which allows for all relevant decision-making information to be readily available at point of initial interaction with potential investee or supplier. Benefit: STATUTORY INFORMATION STORAGE Investee/Supplier statutory information is maintained, together with regular reminders to investees/suppliers to update at time of expiry. Elimination of a time-consuming process within the supplier/investee sourcing process as all required onboarding information is readily available on the platform with the expiry of such documentation tracked on the platform. Benefit: ACCESS TO WORKING CAPITAL FINANCING Access alternative financiers to traditional institutions that will help reduce the working capital cycles of suppliers and their non-performance risk on contracts due to cashflow challenges. Reduced non-performance risk on contracts by suppliers and a reduced investment risk for investors as a result of additional capital injections being required by investee companies for operations. Benefit: INVESTEE AND/OR SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT Manage a supplier’s contract performance, including invoicing, together with visibility for the Working Capital Financier in order to reduce their financial risk. Investors are able to obtain their portfolio performance in real-time. Enhanced transparency on supplier contract performance, digital enablement of suppliers and reduction of performance risk for both the Buyer of goods and services as well as working capital financiers. Benefit: Sign Up
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